Corporate Giving

Support Your Favorite Charitable Organization At No Cost To You

Many companies offer Corporate Giving Programs designed around their employees’ giving.  When an employee donates to their favorite charity, the company will donate too.  Local corporations that have offered this program have included Global Atlantic, First Financial Bank, Discover Financial Services, US Bank, and General Electric Foundation.  Ask your employer if they have a Corporate Giving Program.

However, there are also ways for you to support your favorite charitable organization at no cost to you.  Thanks to Corporate Giving, companies such as Kroger, allow you to select a nonprofit organization, such as the Ripley County Community Foundation, to receive a contribution from your purchases.  It’s just two easy ways to give back effortlessly.

When you use your Kroger Plus card, the Ripley County Community Foundation is eligible to receive a percentage of your total spending. Your contribution will help us continue to, “Connect People Who Care with Causes that Matter.” In order to choose the Ripley County Community Foundation as your charitable organization create a digital Kroger’s account, link your card to an organization, and you start giving at no added cost to you. Visit this link to get started now.

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