$124,550 in Scholarships Awarded

We are pleased to announce that over $124,000 in scholarships have been awarded to 56 students in 2023.  Scholarships provide many benefits to our recipients on a financial and personal basis. The average college student graduates with $30,000 in student debt today, and the community foundation is grateful that we are able to help provide comfort to that burden.  However, the benefits of scholarships are greater and more varied than financial benefits. 1) scholarships teach philanthropy. A student receiving a scholarship may be grateful for the generosity and pay it forward in the future; 2) Scholarships enhance a student’s resume. Merit-based scholarships are prestigious because they reward a student’s hard work in obtaining and maintaining high academic achievement; and 3) Scholarships promote social issues and reward students for their impact within the community. They provide an incentive for students to strive to do their best. We appreciate our donors who make our efforts possible to impact our local students.

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