Versailles Main Street Mural Dedication

The Pumpkin Show, a Versailles tradition that brings past and present residents together, seemed like the perfect time to unveil and dedicate this beautiful piece of art.  (View in person on the east side of the Lions Club Building in Versailles.) This mural will take you on a journey through time and displays what makes Versailles a wonderful community to raise a family, to own a business and to visit.  We hope that you will enjoy this mural as much as we have enjoyed creating it.  The mural was designed by Andrea Grimsley, a native Hoosier who has shared her talent with Southeast Indiana for many years.  But the Mural itself was painted with the help of 150 local residents ranging in ages from 1 to 93.  All of these volunteers wanted to leave their mark on Versailles for future generations.  Thank you to all of you who painted the Mural and to the Tyson Activity Center for hosting the paint days.  Thank you to the Versailles Lions Club for the use of your building and for sharing our vision, thank you to Main Street Versailles and the Bicentennial Committee for supporting this project, and thank you to the Town Board for encouraging an atmosphere of collaboration for… when we work together, amazing things happen!


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